All that you are believing and hoping in God for, take the steps to act accordingly. You can't have faith alone and expect things to fall into place. Hebrews 11:1 says Now faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.
As you live each day in faith only, you are hoping for things that you have not seen. If you continue to live in hope, the evidence of what you are faithing for won't come into existence. James 2:17 clearly says Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. Meaning
faith becomes active when we put action behind our hopes.
Over ten years ago, I started faithing that my writings would touch the lives of someone other than myself. I started my journey by blogging, contributing articles, and journaling. Some years in, I felt like the evidence of what I was hoping for was not coming to pass. (Now, this was according to my time frame.) I questioned my faith and stop pouring all of my energy into being a writer. Then, sickness attacked me and I was faced with the realization that I may have lost my ability to write. One instance was all it took for me to reactivate my faith and move back into action.
Just as I did, I ask that you check your faith!
*Know matter what you see in your time frame-stay the course until your hopes become visible in your life!
*We are no longer operating on dead faith. It's time to wake up, press forward, and create your own path towards greatness.